Sunday, July 24, 2011

Second Life

Image Detail
Is Second Life a disruptive technology? If I consider what I read I would say yes because without a doubt Second Life attracted an untapped demographic. Arkadi Kuhlmann, the CEO of ING Direct, states “innovation for growth is a road map that business needs to meet today’s global challenges”. Second Life has certainly carved out an innovative path.
However, I could consider it an evolutionary technology  and not a disruptive technology.  For example, both the Sims and the World of Warcraft and its previous editions were pioneers in life-simulation software. However, I cannot completely close the door on Second Life as a disruptive technology. One cannot overlook the role-playing aspect and swings the pendulum to the tool being a disruptive technology.
This innovative software’s shelf life may last an additional five years. An emerging technology may be just a patent submission away. A real time component may be the next development.  For instance, the game player controls a real life avatar in the movie the Gamer.
The social benefits of Second Life is may help with social development and it may help develop social skills which can be applied in the real world. In education, this may allow shy students to share their thoughts. Students might be more able to overcome their introverted nature. Of course, the creative nature of Second Life provides invaluable opportunities for student and teachers to present innovative presentations.   
Neveldine, M .(Producer),& Taylor, B. Gamer(Director), (2009),  Gamer [Motion Picture], United States, Liongate
Retrieved on July 24, 2011, from
Retrieved on July 24, 2011, from

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rhymes of History Technology

The technology which represents a rhyme of history is the multi-purpose athletic facility. We are building bigger and grander arenas to promote and sensationalize competition. It has been stated that American football is the modern version of the battles which entertained the ancient Romans more than 2000 years ago. Monster truck races could be chariot races with just a tad more horsepower. The exclusivity of luxury boxes have not changed much throughout the years and the less affluent patrons still can be found in the nosebleed seats or simply as part of the standing room only area. Ancient architecture of these buildings included retractable roofs, locker rooms, and food stands. It seems to me the concept of public works projects were in the minds of the government officials for centuries. You build it on the tax payers’ dime and they will come.
Here is a link about the Roman coliseum
Here is an article about the ancient Mayan civilization and their creation of a sporting activity which has similarities to basketball.
Here is a article about athletics and the influence the ancient Egyptians had on today’s sports.
Retrieved on July 14, 2011, from
Here is a link to information about a retractable roof for the Roman coliseum.
Here is a link about building a multi-purpose athletic facility.
Retrieved on July 14, 2011, from

Saturday, July 2, 2011

What exactly does an interactive whiteboard enhance? It provides the perfect opportunity to address multiple learning styles. Of course, this alone would be enough to take notice but this technology provides an opportunity for the student to take ownership of their learning. Interactive whiteboards enable students to emerge themselves into the learning experience and at the same time removes the lack of engagement which has been a stumbling block in education.

We are going forward, but we need to wait just a minute and retrace our tracks. What technology did interactive whiteboards make obsolete?  Interactive whiteboards will replace math manipulatives, composition note books, globes, and hard cover books.

Interactive whiteboards are radically different then most tools from the past. It serves as a one-stop tool to access material to understand and present content. It brings to mind a live presentation of improvisation. You just do not know what you are going to get.

Replacing this technology would be virtual reality technology which allows multiple users to assess, collaborate, and manipulate various tools in real time. For example, videos could be viewed and altered at the same time.

The possibilities of interactive whiteboards can be found at the following link.